
Saturday, October 27, 2012

Ibadah Haji 1433 Hijriyah

 بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم 
الحمد لله رب العالمين و صلوات الله و سلامه علي الرسول الاعظم الأمين و علي آله المطهّرين المنتجبين و صحبه الميامين

Musim haji yang penuh dengan rahmat dan berkah telah tiba dan kembali menyinari mereka yang beruntung hadir di tempat-tempat nurani itu dengan pancaran anugerah Ilahi.

Di sini, waktu dan tempat mengajak Anda semua yang tengah melaksanakan ibadah haji untuk beranjak menaiki tangga menuju ketinggian maknawi dan materi.

Di sini, dengan hati dan lisan, muslim dan muslimah bersama-sama memenuhi panggilan Allah Yang Maha Besar untuk melangkah ke arah kebaikan dan kejayaan.

Di sini, semua orang mendapat kesempatan berlatih persaudaraan, kesamaan dan ketaqwaan.

Di sinilah kamp pendidikan dan pengajaran; ajang pentas persatuan, keagungan dan keanekaan umat Islam; kancah bergumulan melawan syaitan dan thaghut.

Inilah lokasi yang ditetapkan Allah Yang Maha Bijaksana dan Maha Kuasa sebagai tempat bagi kaum mukminin untuk bisa menyaksikan kepentingan dan kebaikan mereka.

Sesaat ketika membuka mata akal dan ibrah, kita saksikan bahwa janji samawi ini meliputi seluruh sisi kehidupan individual dan sosial kita.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Sermon about Hajj

Allah has made obligatory upon you the pilgrimage (hajj) to His sacred House which is the turning point for the people who go to it as beasts or pigeons go towards spring water.

Allah the glorified made it a sign of their supplication before His Greatness and their acknowledgement of His Dignity. He selected from among His creation those who on listening to His call responded to it and testified His word. They stood in the position of His Prophets and resembled His angels who surround the Divine Throne securing all the benefits of performing His worship and hastening towards His promised forgiveness.

Allah the glorified made it (His sacred House) an emblem for Islam and an object of respect for those who turn to it. He made obligatory its pilgrimage and laid down its claim for which He held you responsible to discharge it. Thus, Allah the glorified said:

". . .And (purely) for Allah, is incumbent upon mankind, the pilgrimage to the House, for those who can afford to journey thither. And whoever denieth then verily, Allah is Selfsufficiently independent of the worlds" (Qur'an, 3:96).

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