
Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Student: Term Paper Guides

Term Paper Format & Sample Works Cited List

Source Address:
i) " title="Click here to Read More">cited_format.html
ii) term-papers-guide.html

Term Paper Information

Format: typed, double spaced, including the works cited list; with 1 inch margins all around; student's last name and page numbers at the top right margin, ½-inch from the top (see sample).

Title Page: Center the title of the paper in capital letters and either underlined, bolded or italicized; about 3 inches from the top of the page. Center your name, about 3 inches below that; then about 1 inch lower, center the date and put the instructor's name is directly below the date; next the class for which the paper is written is directly below that.

First Page of Text: should begin about 1-1/2 inches from the top; the rest of the pages should return to the 1 inch margin.

Cite Sources: all direct quotes must be cited; all ideas or facts taken from some other writer, even though in your own words, must be cited. It is PLAGIARISM if you copy another's words without quoting! If you paraphrase another's ideas or words without giving credit to the author, it is also PLAGIARISM!

Works Cited: start the list of works cited (bibliography) on a new page, following the body of the paper. Double space between the title and the first entry. Double space the entire list, between entries as well as within entries. Begin the entry flush with the left margin. If an entry runs more than one line, indent the subsequent lines five spaces from the left margin. Alphabetize the citations by the first word of each entry, ignoring A, AN and THE. See below for sample "Works Cited List."

Works Cited Sample Page
The following shows a complete works cited page for a paper on aids. Includes appropriate citations for print and online encyclopedia articles, books, magazine, newspaper, and journal articles from the actual periodicals or full-text databases, video recordings, and a web site.

Student Last Name 15

Works Cited
"Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome." Funk & Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia. 2002.

EBSCOhost. LPC Library, Livermore. 18 Aug. 2003 .

Alic, Margaret. "Women and Their Health." Women's Changing Roles. Farmington Hills,

MI: Gale Group, 2002. Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center. LPC Library, Livermore.

27 Apr. 2003 .

Altman, Lawrence K. "Aids Rate Will Triple in 20 Years." Contra Costa Times

3 July 2002: A1. NewsBank. LPC Library, Livermore. 24 Apr. 2003 .

"Comprehensive Guide To HIV Testing." AIDS.ORG. 27 Jun. 2003. 20 Nov.2003


Cooper, Mary H. "Combating AIDS." CQ Researcher 21 Apr. 1995: 345-367. CQ Researcher

Online. LPC Library, Livermore. 25 Apr.2003 .

Gerhard, Susan. "Pregnant Women and Newborns Should Not Be Treated with AZT."

AIDS: Opposing Viewpoints. Eds. Tamara L. Roleff, et al. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 2003.

Harmon, John. AIDS in the New Millennium. 2nd ed. Los Angeles: New Media Press, 2000.

"HIV/AIDS Among US Women: Minority and Young Women at Continuing Risk."

CDC: National Center for HIV, STD, and TB Prevention Fact Sheets. Atlanta, GA: CDC, 27 Mar. 2003.

26 Apr. 2003 .

"HIV/AIDS in Women." AIDS Sourcebook: Health Reference Series. Ed. Karen Bellenir.

2nd ed. Detroit, MI: Omnigraphics, 1998.

Hoskin, Fran. "Women and Health: The Pai Report Card 2002, Condoms Count in the

Era of HIV/AIDS." Women's International Network (WIN News) 31 Jan. 2003: 23. GenderWatch.

ProQuest. LPC Library, Livermore. 27 Apr. 2003 .

"Study Analyzes Causes of Death among Women with AIDS." Women's Health Weekly 22 Aug. 2002: 17+. Academic

Search Premier. EBSCOhost. LPC Library, Livermore. 25 Apr. 2003 .

Surviving Aids. Videorecording. Prod. Elizabeth Arledge. WGBH Boston Video, 1999.

"United States HIV & AIDS Statistics: Women." AVERT.ORG. Horsham, UK: AVERT, 6 Feb. 2003.

27 Apr. 2003 .

Remember that works cited lists are alphabetized by the first word of each citation.

Ignore A, AN, or THE when alphabetizing.

Double space your Works Cited List within and between entries.

Abbreviate the names of all months in dates except May, June and July.

Title your works cited list "Works Cited".

The punctuation and hanging indentation for each citation is quite important.


From writing graphic novels to creating math comics, bring your class assignments, student projects, and course materials alive with 21st century approaches to communication. Regardless of whether you prefer Mac or Windows, you'll learn to use free online tools as well as inexpensive software to produce graphic novels, illuminated term papers, visual science reports, photo essays, and other engaging alternatives to traditional reports and student products. These concrete products reflect student understanding and provide an alternative to traditional forms of assessment.

1.  Annette Lamb and Larry Johnson's Travel Comics.
2. Novel "Call of the Wild"
3. Books:  The Invention of Hugo Cabret,
4. Graphics in novels:  The Selected Works of T.S. Spivet,
5. Graphic novels: The Eternal Smile,
6. Webcomics:  Copper,
7.  Graphic textbooks
8. Library of Congress Veteran's History Project.
9. Still camera,  Flipcamcorder
10.  SchoolTube
11.  VoiceThread

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